A little about Charlie

Charlie Bechler


Forty years experience in teaching, performing, composing, arranging and being emmersed in music. Co-started Jazz Is a non-profit organization dedicated to the bringing of quality, less known jazz music and musicians to the Mid Coast and specifically the Waldo Theatre and Waldoboro Maine. Conceived, designed, and built an eight track/channel analog, MIDI and digital recording studio with video post production capabilities. Directed and composed music for the Theatre Group of Newburyport, in Massachusetts, which became established as a professional company. Helped create Osmosis a successful jazz/Rock (fusion) group, which featured world class alto saxophonist Charlie Mariano.
Composed/Arranged for Herb Pomeroy's Big Band.



Jazz Performance

Extensive experience in a number of different jazz styles, types of music and situations.

Keyboardist/Composer for Osmosis
with Charlie Mariano

Osmosis a nationally headed jazz/rock group, performed in various concerts and clubs through out New England, Chicago and New York City.

Jazz Is: Concerts and Jams: The Jazz Is Trio with Charlie Bechler (Acoustic piano), Steve Grover (drums), either Ben Street, John Hunter or Jim Lydon (bass), augmented by either Rusty Quinn, Tom Patton, Rich Hollis or Al Delgado (drums), either Randy Whitman or Greg Whittaker (bass), and loads of musicians of ages ranging from 'teens to 80s.

Charlie Bechler and Friends in Concert

Concert of all original acoustic and synthesized music and one of jazz standards.

Charlie Bechler Quartet

Various clubs and colleges through out New England. with Jim Cameron or Terry Keefe (sax).


Have taught from ages four to eighty. Students have studied piano, harmony, theory, arranging, composition, orchestrating, chord- progressions, song writing, and applied playing.

Playing Situations | Composing Studio | Teaching Studio
Charlie's Music Variations

For more information, please contact:
Charlie Bechler 968 Backcove Rd. Waldoboro, ME 04572 1-207-832-6806
URL: http://www.bechler-arts.com/charlie

Layout, Design, and Revisions ©2003 by Douglas Bechler...... Revised, Mar. 25, 2003